Rin en Route

About Rin en Route

A travel guide for bookworms by a bookworm

My Story

Hi! I’m Rin, the creator of Rin en Route. I’m a midwestern native, but have now lived on both coasts, with a short stint in Texas. I work full time as a data analyst (not rich enough to quit yet) so my traveling is based around where I’m staying and weekend trips. I spent my childhood dreaming of living the adventures in my books, and have made it my mission to bring these experiences to life. 


In third grade, I picked up The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and have never been the same since. All through grade and high school, I made my way through the YA Fantasy and Science Fiction sections. I joined every publishing phase, from the crazy YA dystopian to the current Booktok recommendations.

Reading these books awakened something in me, and I felt myself longing for the adventures the characters got to experience. Reading became not only a hobby, but a study in how I wanted to live. Thus, my desire to travel began. I dreamed of places to see and go, and as soon as I had the money a full time job provides, I was off. I left home at 18, and never looked back. 

I fell in love with traveling. I love seeing new places, learning new things, and of course visiting bookstores! I’ve lived in four different states, and have visited twenty-three others. I have several more trips in the works right now, and can’t wait to share them. I’ve got the horizon in my eyes, and hope to inspire you to take your very own fantasy adventure!

I don't know what lies around the bend, but I'm going to believe the best does

– Anne of Green Gables

My Favorite Books...

1. The Lightning Thief

…or just all the books in the first series. The Percy Jackson trio was the first adventure I passionately followed! I attribute who I am today to Rick Riordan and his books. 

2. Anne of Green Gables

A classic that I find myself rereading over and over again. Anne is the first character I related to on so many levels. She’s a dreamer, an optimist, and always find herself in scraps. Whenever I’m looking for a comfort book, I know exactly who to turn to. 

3. Six of Crows

Six dangerous outcasts that absolutely stole my heart. The characters, the world, the plot, every part of this book was amazing. A quick read – it’s a duology – but a story that will stay with you forever. 

My favorite places...

1. Farmington, Maine, USA

This adorable town is everything I thought Maine was going to be. The downtown area is everything you think it should be, with two bookstores, a few coffee shops, and an adorable farmers market.

2. Yosemite National Park

 I only got to spend a day and a half here, but it’s been on my to-visit list every day since. There are gorgeous views just from driving through the park, and hiking is astounding. 

3. Waynesville, North Carolina, USA

The perfect town for a mountain retreat! A downtown big enough to entertain, but small enough to feel cozy, and directly in the mountains. You won’t have to drive far for trails or drives with the perfect view.